A NSW Government website

Local water utilities

Competency benchmark for local water utility operators in NSW

Submit your feedback on the consultation paper.

Please complete this survey to give your feedback on a consultation paper proposing a Competency benchmark for local water utility operators in NSW.

This consultation paper outlines appropriate training for water operations job functions and has been developed in collaboration with a Skills and Training Focus Group, representing local water utilities across the state and the training sector.

The draft document has been discussed with frontline operators, training industry focus group, trainers and subject matter experts within the department, NSW Health and NSW Environment Protection Authority.


Your information will be handled by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (the department) in accordance with the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIP Act). Any personal information you provide in completing this survey will only be used to inform the Local Water Utilities Project. The provision of information is voluntary. We will store and protect any information you provide in accordance with our requirements under the PPIP Act. We will not use or disclose the information for any other purpose, unless required or authorised to do so.

If you would like to know more about how the department meets its obligations in collecting, storing, using and sharing personal information, you can read our complete Privacy Policy or Privacy Management Plan. You may also contact the department on 02 9860 1440, at privacy@dpie.nsw.gov.au or at 4 Parramatta Square, 12 Darcy Street Parramatta.

Important information about this form

You cannot save a draft of this form and access it later — you will need to create and submit the form in one session.

The fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory and must be completed in order to submit the form.

After you have submitted your form, a copy of the submission will be sent to your email address.

If you have any questions please email water.enquiries@dpie.nsw.gov.au

Your details
Which part of the sector do you represent ? *

Do you generally support the competency benchmark proposed for local water utilities?
Do you think the competency benchmark will support increased demand for and supply of quality training for local water utilities?
Do you think the competency benchmark will help address workforce development challenges in the local water utility sector?
Would you support water operations seeking to become a recognised trade in future?
Proposed training program content and structure
Do you support the inclusion of industry developed online induction modules?
Do you support the inclusion of fundamentals training common to all operators?
Do you support the inclusion of fixed units of competency in advanced training modules?
Maximum of 1,000 characters.
Training quality assurance
Do you support specifying additional skills and knowledge and assessment requirements needed by local water utility operators, over and above the National Water Training Package?
Maximum of 1,000 characters.
Implementing the competency benchmark
Do you support the department setting an expectation that all local water utilities address the competency benchmark?
Do you think the competency benchmark should apply to existing operators, provided they can have existing skills and qualifications recognised?
Do you think the cost of training will be a barrier to implementing the benchmark?
Maximum of 1,000 characters.
Maximum of 1,000 characters.
Maximum of 1,000 characters.
Maximum of 1,000 characters.