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Acts and regulations

NSW Private Water Scheme Pensioner Rebates

NSW Private Water Scheme Pensioner Rebates help eligible residential customers to pay their bills.

Applications for the financial year 2023-24 have now closed.

This website will be updated once applications for financial year 2024-25 open.

The NSW Private Water Scheme Pensioner Rebates help eligible residential customers of private water schemes licensed under the Water Industry Competition Act 2006 to pay their water and sewerage bills. These rebates are available to all eligible customers of private water schemes.

Who’s eligible?

You can apply for the private water rebates if:

  • you’re the owner of a residence that receives drinking water and/or wastewater (sewerage) services from a private water scheme licensed under the Water Industry Competition Act 2006 and listed in Table 1:
  • that residence is your principal residence and you’re a customer of the relevant private water scheme retailer/biller.
  • you hold one of the following:
    • Pensioner Concession Card issued by Services Australia or the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA), or
    • DVA Gold Health Card marked with either:
      • War Widow or War Widower, or
      • Extreme Disablement Adjustment (EDA), or
      • Totally and Temporarily Incapacitated (TTI), or
      • Totally and Permanently Incapacitated (TPI), or
    • DVA intermediate rate pension.

Scheme name/locationBiller name/licensed retailerDrinking water chargesWastewater charges
Box Hill North*Box Hill Water / Altogether Water Group Pty Ltd**NoYes
Catherine Hill BaySolo WaterYesYes
Central Park, ChippendaleCentral Park Water / Altogether Water Group Pty Ltd**YesYes
Cooranbong NorthCooranbong Water / Altogether Water Group Pty Ltd**YesYes
Discovery Point, Wolli CreekDiscovery Point Water / Altogether Water Group Pty Ltd**YesYes
GundarooKyeema Wastewater Pty LtdNo Yes
HuntleeHuntlee Water / Altogether Water Group Pty Ltd**YesYes
NararaNarara Ecovillage Co-operativeYesYes
Pitt Town*Pitt Town Water / Altogether Water Group Pty Ltd**NoYes
Shepherds Bay, MeadowbankShepherds Bay Water / Altogether Water Group Pty Ltd**YesYes

*Customers of some private water schemes are billed directly by their local public water utility (for example, Sydney Water) for their drinking water. These schemes are marked with an asterisk (*) in Table 1. Customers of these schemes are only eligible to receive the private water rebate on their wastewater service charges and should apply to their local public water utility for a pensioner rebate on their drinking water service charges (the utility’s contact details will be on the drinking water bill). The Pensioner Water Rebate webpage also has links to some of the public water utilities’ pensioner rebates.

**Altogether Group Pty Ltd, previously known as Flow Systems.

What you’ll need to apply for the rebates

  • a copy of your bill from your private water scheme retailer/biller for the current financial year, which must have your name and address printed on it
  • personal and contact details
  • pensioner concession card or gold health card details
  • your bank account details for the electronic funds’ transfer.
Important information

Your name and residential address need to be the same on your application, on your water bill and on your pensioner/health card account to be eligible for the rebates.

How to apply

Applications for the financial year 2023-24 have now closed.

This website will be updated once applications for financial year 2024-25 open.

Need help or additional information?

We’re happy to help you if you have questions about the rebates or your eligibility.

Feel free to call us on (02) 3816 2771 or email us.