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    1-12 out of 407 search results for wetlands

    Find out more about impacts on surface water environments and how science is used to understand and improve their management.

    Rainfall and flow events improve the health of the environment. Learn more about fish, wetlands and riparian habitats.

    Glossary | Water

    An alphabetical list of commonly used terms from the Strategy and their definitions.

    Residents and stakeholders downstream of Wagga Wagga are invited to have their say on key elements of the draft Murrumbidgee Floodplain Management Plan, an important tool to manage rural flood works and their valley-wide effects on flows and

    Mitigating third-party impacts of water releases on landholders adjacent to the forest.

    Background documents and fact sheets for the draft replacement water sharing plan.

    Restoring and enhancing the river habitat across the interconnected Frenchmans Creek and Carrs, Capitts and Bunberoo systems.

    Find information about blackwater including water quality stages, dissolved oxygen water quality updates and details on historic blackwater events.

    Background documents and fact sheets for the draft replacement water sharing plan.

    Learn more about environmental flow rules in water sharing plans.

    Localised floodplain management plans developed under Part 8 Water Act 1912.

    Improving the ecological health of northern Basin rivers through environmental infrastructure works.